With this book Diane made a revolution. Infect she published the drawings of the reiki symbols which up to today are supposed to be revealed to the people who actually get an attunement. But if something is kept secret those who for the first time approach reiki can have problems in the understanding of Reiki. Many practitioners are confused for a while at the beginning of their Reiki experience. Those who have read this book have removed many doubts very quickly. The good point is Diane explains in great detail what each symbol means and provides the guidelines for their use. She also remarks that to perform Reiki the attunements are necessary.
At each level the person is able to receive more symbols to work with. Moreover she includes others symbols she has personally discovered in the years of experience and experimentation. It is a good informative book. The symbols are slighly different to many Reiki practitioners and as a matter of fact those reported by Diane are not considered the absolute correct ones. But then again, everyone in the Reiki community claims that their symbols are the correct symbols. This book is a great start to those practitioners who want more information, but other texts should be considered as well in order to make a well-rounded practitioner. Reiki Masters have nothing to lose with looking at this book. It is a good choice for people who have not received Reiki attunements but it will be useful when they become practitioner. It can be considered a manual in addition to other Reiki books, a good reference for Reiki Masters. Diane starts with the history of Reiki and then provides the instructions for passing attunements. Attenuement is a system of laying on of hands for healing. Further in the book she discuss about the origin of Reiki energy giving from a phylosophical point of view. In the discussion about the inclusion of the attunement process she provides details explainging both from the view of the receiver and the giver. Diane undrelines that part of the healing process is the healing of the self. In fact you must resolve your personal issues before healing someone else. Moreover many reiki masters ask the beginners to read this book before starting the lessons.
Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007

Alternative Health Treatments That Work

Alternative health treatments are becoming ever more popular and acceptable in our modern day world. I have to admit that until recently I was one of the many sceptics of anything to do with alternative health therapy but have since seen the light. This is because a good friend of mine persuaded me to give reflexology a try and since this positive experience I have experimented with hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, reiki, tai chi and meditation. In this article I will write about my experiences and findings.
The friend in question is in fact my best friend called Ian. He has always been a bit different, he was the first person in the class to dye his hair, get an ear ring, go to a night club, I think you maybe getting the message now. For many years he would tell me about how superb reflexology was and how great and relaxed it made him feel. You should have a go, he would often say to me.
Despite the fact that we are best friends, I am actually quite different to Ian. Where as he is quite daring and open to new ideas, I am quite shy and reserved. I like things as they are and see no reason as to why they should change.
A couple of years ago however I was in a bit of a bad way, I do not want to go into too much detail but lets just say that I was rather depressed and could not seem to drag myself out of the rut that I was in.
Ian tried to help me as best as he could and eventually managed to convince me to phone his reflexologist to book a session. I reluctantly went to see this chap and have to now admit that Ian was right, I could not believe how great I felt afterwards.
I then went a bit mad and tried other forms of alternative health therapy as mentioned in the opening paragraph of this article. My favourite has to be meditation as it helps me to think in a more rounded, logical and positive manner.
Stephen Hill runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre, he has a number of websites including:

stuttering information

symptoms of dementia

alternative therapy treatments in the UK

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Hill

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